
Last updated 2023-09-07

This is an overview of Konfidens' use of cookies.

konfidens-loginSecurityNecessaryCookies1 days
konfidens-deviceSecurityNecessaryCookies365 days storage*Persistent
PKCE_VERIFIERSecurityNecessaryLocal storage*Persistent
konfidens-default-clinicUser SessionNecessaryLocal storage*Persistent
konfidens-oidc-callback-next-pathLoginNecessaryLocal storage*Persistent
konfidens-calendar-viewUser SessionNecessaryLocal storage*Persistent
showCalendarDetailsUser SessionNecessaryLocal storage*Persistent
calendar-add-viewUser SessionNecessaryLocal storage*Persistent
i18n-languageUser SessionNecessaryLocal storage*Persistent
konfidens-default-note-openUser SessionNecessaryLocal storage*Persistent
onboardingUser SessionNecessaryLocal storage*Persistent

* Information stored locally (in “local storage” is not transmitted over the network but is solely stored on your device. These do not have an expiration date.


This cookie is used to authenticate your user session and maintain your access.

The cookie is deleted daily.


This cookie is used to verify that this is a known device.

It simplifies the authorization flow and enhances security.

The cookie is deleted annually, and your device will need to undergo a new authorization to be recognized as known again.

This cookie contains an auto-generated, random one-time key.

It is used to ensure that an identification process was initiated by the same device that completes the session.


This cookie contains an auto-generated, random one-time key.

It is used to ensure that an identification process was initiated by the same device that completes the session.


This cookie contains a unique, anonymized ID for one of your clinics.

It is used to preselect which clinic you are logged into.


This cookie contains a link to a page on the platform.

It is used for redirection after a successful login.


This cookie contains preferences for displaying the calendar.

It is used to remember how the user last viewed the calendar.


This cookie contains preferences for displaying the calendar.

It is used to remember how the user last viewed the calendar.


This cookie contains preferences for displaying the calendar.

It is used to remember how the user last viewed the calendar.


This cookie contains the user's preferred language.

It is used to remember what language to display when the user returns to the application.


This cookie contains preferences for displaying the journal notes.

It is used to remember if the first note in the list should be opened when the user returns to the journal.


This cookie contains the state for the onboarding process.

It is used to remember where the user is in the onboarding process.

For any inquiries or concerns about our Cookie Policy, please contact us at